Must be unlocked by vote minecraft:other_portal.Golden trapped chests will still function as trapped chests, but have no identifier like in regular ones.Opening sometimes causes contained items to be converted into gold.Created by activating the minecraft:midas_touch vote, then opening a chest or a trapped chest.Has a block ID in the game file minecraft:golden_chest.

A hidden block that the player cannot get with the command /give, but can be obtained through the /setblock command with the tag "gold" /setblock ~ ~ ~ minecraft:chest.Generates as a part of the lunar base structure.Copper Spleaves were not added to the minecraft:copper item tag, but copper sinks were. When there is no water inside, if an item with the minecraft:copper item tag is dropped inside, it is deleted.Unlike cauldrons, cannot store lava or powder snow.Can be used to store water like a regular cauldron.Must be unlocked by vote minecraft:copper_sink.When eating causes one eighth of the block to disappear depending on where the player clicks.Can be eaten and is the second block in Minecraft that the player can eat, after cake.This block can be used to fill cows or moon cows with air to become "balloon cows", which take the player to the moon once filling it with enough air.Can be used to refill air underwater or on the moon.Can be crafted from 4 empty glass bottles.Must be unlocked by vote minecraft:air_blocks.1.6.1 All colors used in biome color rules.

Note: In most of these examples, I bind the script to F1 function key. Examples demonstrated here can be found on github If you have any interest in seeing some “real world” AHK scripts, check out my AutoHotKey Scripts Repository.

What follows are some quick recipes to get up and running in AHK quickly–I find myself writing AHK scripts just infrequently enough to forget everything. Unfortunately, at the time of this writing it only runs on Windows. The official AHK Documentation is enormously helpful & provides many wonderful examples. AutoHotkey (AHK) is a niche scripting language build around keyboard & mouse IO.